Olympic – Supplier Declaration

Compliance with laws and international instruments As a supplier to Olympic we will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We will also comply with all Olympic core policies and support the ten principles of UN Global Compact with regards to human rights, labour rights, environment, and anti-corruption We will actively promote the implementation of the content in this declaration in our own operations and throughout our value chain We will perform due diligence of our own operations and supply chain in accordance with OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business.

As a supplier to Olympic we will inform Olympic about any major risks or incidents of relevance, related to human rights, labour rights, corruption or environment in our own operations or value chain

Improper payments  As a supplier to Olympic we will not obtain or retain business or any advantage in the conduct of business, offer, promise, or give improper advantage to a public or official (or a third party) to make the official act or refrain from acting in relation to the performance of her/his official duties. This applies regardless of whether the advantage is offered directly or through an intermediary.

Gifts, hospitality, and expenses  As a supplier to Olympic we will not offer, directly or indirectly, to Olympic employees or representatives or anyone closely related to them gifts except for promotional items of minimal value normally bearing a company logo. Hospitality such as social events, meals or entertainment may be offered if there is a clear business reason, but the cost must be kept within reasonable limits. Hospitality, expenses, gifts or other favours shall not be offered or received in situations of contract bidding, evaluation or award.

Conflict of interest  As a supplier to Olympic we, and our employees, will not take part in or seek to influence any decision under circumstances that can give rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest. Such circumstances may be a business interest or a personal interest in the subject matter – economically or otherwise – directly or through someone closely related. If we become aware of a potential conflict of interest we will, without delay. Notify Olympic.

Security Resources
As a supplier to Olympic, we will observe strict requirements for the selections of security contractors to avoid human rights risks in countries where security firms are not properly regulated. 

Human Rights
As a supplier to Olympic we will respect all human rights contained in the International Bill of Human Rights and endorse human rights focus throughout our operations, in all countries where we operate, with the goal of doing no human rights harm.

Non-discrimination is a fundamental and overarching principle of the international human rights that we respect. Everyone is entitled to enjoy human rights irrespective of his or her colour, gender, religion, ethnic, social, or national origin, political or other opinion, property, birth, or other status.

We pay particular attention to the rights and needs of, as well as the challenges faced by, individuals from groups or populations that may be at heightened risk of becoming vulnerable or marginalized. In particular:

  • women
  • national or ethnic religious and linguistic minorities
  • children
  • persons with disabilities
  • migrant workers and their families

In situations of armed conflict, we respect the standards of international humanitarian law.

Decent Work
As a supplier to Olympic we respect, as a minimum, the fundamental rights in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, including, but not limited to

  • freedom of association
  • the right to collective bargaining
  • the elimination of compulsory labour
  • the abolition of child labour
  • the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

Employees shall be treated with respect and provided a workplace that is safe, free of harassment or abuse of any kind, harsh and inhumane treatment, unlawful practices, or discrimination. Employees and other stakeholders shall be able to report concerns or potentially unlawful practices at the workplace (whistleblowing).

As a supplier to Olympic, we work continuously to

  1. Promote fair employment and positive employment relationships.
  2. Promote fair conditions of work and social protection.
    1. Ensure our employees are paid fair wages and provided health insurance.
    2. Ensure that working hours are not exceeding the legal limits.
  3. Promote social dialogue.
  4. Promote health and safety at work, including active prevention of incidents or accidents, according to internationally recognized health and safety management principles and practices and applicable law
  5. Promote human development and training in the workplace.


As a supplier to Olympic we will protect the planet form degradation and respect planetary boundaries

We will work according to internationally recognized environmental management principles and aim for continuous improvement of our environmental performance. We will as a minimum comply with national environmental legislation and discharge/pollution permits. We will work to avoid pollution, avoid harmful discharges, emissions, and spills. We will ensure sustainable resource use, adapt circular economy principles, reduce waste generation, seek to improve energy efficiency throughout our operations, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and protect biodiversity and natural habitats.

NOTE: If any inquiries please contact Maria-Fernanda Rasmussen at: maria.rasmussen@olympic.no